You’ve joined the select group of Ubiminds’ clients. Congratulations! Now, learn how we can collaborate and grow together to making the most for HR managers, hiring managers, teams, and engineers themselves. We’ve divided our process into four parts, down below.

Service set-up

When you become one of Ubiminds’ clients, we schedule a project kick-off to make sure we’re on the same page in regards to expectations and terms of service. This meeting involves our Customer Success Manager (CSM) and Sales teams, and the company’s CTO or VP of Engineering. We’ll set a timeframe, assign each stage an owner, and set dates for the next steps.

After the kick-off, we do a dive-in into how Ubiminds’ client company works. This is a very important part because it will help us customize our service to fit specific needs. Our Customer Success Manager (CSM) and Sales teams will learn all about the company and product team structure, product development culture, and stack, and have an overview of the internal hiring process.

With the dive-in completed, we get to the fun part: the position kick-off! Together, our Customer Success Manager and Ubiminds’ client’s Hiring Manager will define requirements. Our Customer Success Manager will also do adjustments of SLA to the position if they’re needed. They’ll also validate the job description with the Hiring Manager, and fine-tune the job-specific process.=

Talent acquisition

Now that we know who we’re looking for, it’s time to go out into the (digital) world and do some sourcing. Our Customer Success Manager and Talent Acquisition team will find possible candidates. We do this through LinkedIn, network activation, our talent pool, and inbound plus outbound campaigns.
Once we have the possible candidates, we start vetting. Our screening process is rigorous, with interviews and testing. We look for English proficiency, cultural fit both with our and your company, and technical skills. Our bar is high.

10 days after the position kick-off meeting, our Customer Success Manager and Talent Acquisition team present the candidate to the CTO, VP of Engineering, and/or Hiring Manager for evaluation. We also interview the client about the sourcing and vetting process in comparison to the job description requirements.

Once that’s done, we send candidates a take-home test (if relevant for the position), and do two back-to-back interviews with them. We give feedback on the interview within 1 day, and two days on the test evaluation. The process happens within a week after submittal, altogether. If the client isn’t satisfied with the first submittal, we’ll look for additional candidates until the position is filled.


After finding the best candidate for you, our Customer Success Manager and Sales team will negotiate price range, monthly fees and contract terms with the CTO, VP of Engineering, and/or Hiring Manager. We make a short presentation of the market range for the position and/or profile, along with a validation of wage claim and monthly fee. We’ll also set working hours and start date. (Fun fact: Ubiminds sticks to the American calendar and time-zones.)

All of this happens within 2 days after the candidate has been selected. When this part is over, you won’t have to worry about a single thing. Our Customer Success Manager and Backoffice team handle all legal, fiscal, and labor-related paperwork. Contracts, NDAs, payroll, benefits, certifications, visas, you name it.

If you still have questions about our process, check out this blog post.

Follow-up and interactions

We don’t leave Ubiminds’ clients hanging. After the hiring process is done, our Customer Success Manager and Talent Acquisition team will arrange weekly catch-ups to make sure everything’s going as it should be. We’re always available to chat via Slack, Skype, and e-mail, whenever you need to reach us. We also help new hires onboard Ubiminds and your company and hold monthly one-on-one meetings with your Hiring Manager, and with our brand new Ubiminder.

When we say we got your back, we mean it.

Curious to know more? Reach out for a free consult.


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