Brazil’s tech talent pool is getting bigger and more interesting by the day. The country is harvesting some of the best software engineers and architects out there and is home to an amazing tech community. But hiring IT talent in Brazil (directly or independent contractors) can be expensive if you don’t know what you’re up against.  

Brazil accounts for more than half of Latin America’s Unicorns. The country has one of the lowest attrition rates in the world and holds the 6th largest IT market. Great, right? That said, it does also have one of the most complex legal structures out there. Yes, and bureaucracy (a lot of). Unfortunately, isn’t in short supply here. 

That’s why you should be aware of the liabilities of hiring IT talent in Brazil by using no third party – or, in other words, at your own risk. And after that, know how to find the help you truly deserve. Keep on reading and let’s dive into it!

What should I know before considering hiring IT talent in Brazil?

We don’t mean to scare you, but let’s get straight to the point when it comes to hiring IT talent in Brazil and setting up shop. 

According to TMF Group, on average it takes 11 procedures and around 90 days of work to start a business in Brazil. Construction permits demand an average of 20 procedures and 404 days to finally get authorized. 

This all by counting with luck and no red tape in the way, which is really unlikely.  

But this doesn’t mean, at all, that you should give up on the sought-after talents of this unique country. Once the local market realized the interest of other countries in our growing IT community, “employers of record” popped-up to fulfill this call, such as Ubiminds. 

In fact, it is true that Ubiminds even surpasses this line and goes beyond facilitating access to US companies to Brazil’s tech talent pool. An example of this? Our #OneTeam approach, that provides employees office space, team building, equipment, coaching,1-1 meetings, and a career ladder. 

And there’s more:

The risks are real

To be direct, we feel it could be irresponsible for you to choose to hire directly in a different country – with a totally different legal system, language, and such things without the proper due diligence. 

If you’re thinking of hiring IT talent in Brazil, Mexico, Porto Rico, Portugal: you simply don’t know the laws. It goes even further when it comes to financial issues. How will you guarantee that things are done legally, properly? 

On the other hand, how do you know your compensation to be offered is fair, low, or if your employees are stringing you along? 

Did you know that bad compensation is the second biggest cause of employees quitting their jobs? Consequently, your employee turnover rate tends to be really high – which can cost you up to thousands of dollars! 

How can you be sure you’ve got the right person when hiring by yourself?

We do know you have an HR team, and that you plan to invest in that, but is this team tailored and trained to hire Brazilians? Are they ready to verify the tech skill level? There’s also the knowledge of the best universities, cultural traits, and so on…

When hiring IT talent in Brazil, non-Brazilian companies must be aware of the companies and courses to track. For example, what are important the communities and meetups where top performers gather and interact. Most importantly, how to begin to build trust. That’s why it’s crucial to get help in approaching this talent pool: we understand who best complements your product team. We can add our credibility to your employer’s brand. 

To that point, our talent network reaches over two thousand senior professionals that stand out within their fields. We are talking about really sought-after professionals that are harassed three times a day by other companies. If they were sourced by you directly, might not be as convinced to join your team.

So why do IT professionals want to work through Ubiminds? For one, we align expectations and career ladders, allowing Brazilians to kick-start their international career by embedding themself full-time in the US software market.

Onboarding process and development opportunities

Our careful onboarding process and development opportunities are also key. We do make sure Ubiminders are happy and following their north-star. By achieving this state of mind, they’ll be able to ramp up properly and consistently. 

That’s why, when hired, we go along with Ubiminders on their way into the companies they’re allocated to. We stay in constant contact with all involved to continue fomenting the care. That’s our #OneTeam approach (regardless of being on American or Brazilian soil)!

“We don’t believe in lone wolfs”, says Alberto Silveira, Vice President of Software Engineering at PowerSchool. 

For the Brazilian and American teams to bond, we promote field trips (not during a pandemic, of course).On these occasions, they can work collaboratively and sit face-to-face. In two weeks, let’s say, the job of half year can be achieved! Due to the diverse minds working together, as #OneTeam. 

Not a staffing firm, we’re an addition to your company. 

Projects, not products

We attract and recruit senior IT professionals to join big projects, for even greater companies. What motivates people here in Brazil? Serving a real purpose in their day to day work life. 

Ownership is key. It is commonly known that employees tend to give their best when feeling a part of something. And by the way, this is a very common trait among Brazilian engineers. 

When being allocated to one company for a longer period, it kind of becomes your second home. It’s different from being a freelancer, for e.g, jumping from project to project –  usually with a heavy deadline, fire drills, and few to no interactions with other team members.  

Ubiminders usually stick with us for 2.5 years, which is above the average in the US – that’s set on approximately one year. This is important because you invest time and effort in ramping new hires. In fact, the longer they stick with you, the more value they add. You don’t lose know-how to other companies, and your Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) isn’t hindered by a lack of resources.

Opportunity cost and background check

Ubiminds was born out of the experiences of its own CEO, Paulo Ross. As a former CTO, Paulo realized that the time spent on interviewing and trying to find the best team members were too long. That it was affecting the quality of the work, the productivity of the existing team, and so on. 

Imagine spending 30 minutes to one hour for three interviews per day? Imagine you need not one, but three hires in a month or two. 

We do trust that every CTO wants an exceptional digital product team. But reaching that without jeopardizing productivity – and consequently your product – is almost impossible

And that’s why we exist. Believing that your time is precious and valuable enough for you to have some help with that. We custom-curate digital product teams by being embedded in your company’s hiring process and culture, acquiring your way of doing things. 

You love what you do, and we do too. That’s why you should focus on your product and let us do the heavy lifting when you consider hiring IT talent in Brazil. For us, the job ends up being our passion. That’s how you scale your team safely and fast. 

To submit you only the top candidates (not resumés!), – besides going through a detailed process -, beyond the interviews, our background checks can include reaching out to previous employers, checking professional references, and/or analyzing portfolios.  

Want to know more? Let’s talk!

Our objective is not to discourage companies from hiring IT talent in Brazil.  Quite the opposite, we are on the opposite side of it! We do believe, though, that they should be able to do it appropriately and eyes wide open for them and for their upcoming Brazilian employees. And, of course, at fair, reasonable rates and fast.

Get in touch by filling the form below. We’ll get back to you asap! 



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