Ensuring quality and reliability is a non-negotiable aspect of any successful project. Quality Engineers (QEs) and Quality Assurance (QA) professionals are the unsung heroes who work diligently behind the scenes to make sure software not only meets but exceeds quality standards. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the pivotal roles of both Quality Engineers and Quality Assurance experts, including the types of tests they conduct, the key attributes to look for when hiring, and strategies to empower, motivate, and retain these indispensable team members.

How to Identify a Good QE/QA

To ensure the overall quality of the software, the Quality Engineer leads quality tests and is also responsible for producing reports and documentation with the results found. Also, this person needs to build a strategic plan to improve the business process considering requirements such as availability, security, safety, reliability, and performance of the software. Quality Engineers are often essential in companies that focus on highly complex or performance-critical software, as their expertise in in-depth testing, strategic planning, and performance optimization is crucial.

On the other hand, Quality Assurance professionals primarily focus on creating comprehensive test plans, test cases, and test strategies. They ensure that testing aligns with the software requirements, making QA professionals valuable in companies where precise adherence to specifications and comprehensive testing coverage is paramount. QA teams often work closely with developers and stakeholders to facilitate clear communication and reporting of defects. 

In many cases, a collaborative approach that integrates both QEs and QA professionals is ideal, as it combines the deep testing knowledge of QEs with the meticulous test planning and execution of QA professionals, resulting in robust quality assurance practices. To understand what makes a Quality Engineer or Quality Assurance professional exceptional, we first need to recognize the unique blend of hard and soft skills they bring to the table.

Top Hard Skills for Quality Engineers and Assurance Professionals

#1 Testing Expertise

Quality Engineers need to master various types of tests, such as unit testing, integration testing, regression testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). Each type serves a specific purpose, from verifying code functionality to ensuring end-user satisfaction.

  • Unit testing is crucial for verifying the functionality of individual components or modules within the software. To identify a candidate’s proficiency, hiring managers can assess their experience with unit testing frameworks, their ability to create comprehensive unit tests, and their understanding of testing isolated parts of the codebase.
  • Integration testing evaluates how different components or modules work together in the software. A proficient candidate will have experience in setting up integration tests, identifying potential issues when components interact, and effectively resolving integration-related defects.
  • Regression testing ensures that new code changes do not negatively impact existing functionality. To identify expertise in regression testing, hiring managers can look for candidates who have experience in maintaining regression test suites, automating regression tests, and quickly identifying regression defects.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)involves testing the software from an end-user perspective to ensure it meets user requirements. A strong candidate for UAT will have experience in creating UAT test cases, working closely with stakeholders, and effectively communicating user feedback and issues to development teams. Hiring managers can assess this by reviewing the candidate’s experience in end-user collaboration and their ability to conduct UAT that aligns with user expectations and needs.

Quality Assurance professionals are responsible for Test Management. In other words, creating test plans, test cases, and test strategies. They ensure comprehensive test coverage based on the software requirements.

#2 Automation Skills

Usually, the ability to develop and execute automated test scripts is crucial in speeding up testing processes and maintaining consistent test results.

Choosing Between Manual and Automated Testing:

Deciding between manual and automated testing depends on various factors:

  • Manual testing is often more suitable for exploratory testing, usability testing, and ad-hoc scenarios where test cases are constantly changing. 
  • Automated testing is ideal for repetitive and regression testing, where the same test cases need to be executed frequently. 

Companies should strike a balance between both approaches, leveraging manual testing for scenarios that require human intuition and creativity, and automated testing for repetitive and time-consuming tasks. To identify whether a talent possesses the skills for choosing between manual and automated testing and determining the division of testing responsibilities, hiring managers can look for the following indicators during the interview and assessment process:

  1. Experience and Projects: Assess the candidate’s experience with both manual and automated testing. Request specific examples of projects where they applied manual testing techniques and automated testing solutions. Candidates who have a well-rounded background in both areas are more likely to make informed decisions about when to use each approach.
  2. Problem-Solving Scenarios: During interviews, present candidates with scenarios that require deciding between manual and automated testing. Ask how they would approach a situation where a quick exploratory test is needed versus a repetitive regression test. Evaluate their problem-solving skills and thought process to determine their suitability for making testing strategy decisions.
  3. Collaboration and Communication: Evaluate their ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with cross-functional teams. Candidates who can explain how they have worked alongside developers and other stakeholders to determine testing responsibilities demonstrate their capacity for implementing effective testing strategies.
  4. Tool and Technology Familiarity: Inquire about the testing tools and technologies they are familiar with. Candidates who have experience with a variety of testing tools, both for manual and automated testing, are better equipped to make informed choices.
  5. References and Past Achievements: Contact their references and inquire about their contributions to testing strategy decisions in their previous roles. Past achievements that highlight their ability to make decisions regarding manual versus automated testing and the division of responsibilities can be a strong indicator of their capabilities.

By exploring these areas in interviews and referencing their past experiences, hiring managers can better identify talents who possess the skills and expertise necessary for choosing between manual and automated testing and determining the division of testing responsibilities.

Division of Testing Responsibilities

In the division of testing responsibilities, Quality Engineers (QEs) and Quality Assurance professionals typically focus on developing and maintaining automated test scripts.  That’s why proficiency in scripting and programming languages is essential.

As for team interactions, QEs and QAs collaborate with developers to integrate testing into the software development lifecycle. Meanwhile, developers play a vital role in unit testing, ensuring that their code is robust and aligns with the software requirements. 

Additionally, manual testing tasks can be shared among QEs, QA professionals, and sometimes developers, depending on the organization’s testing strategy. This collaborative approach ensures that testing is comprehensive, combining automated testing for efficiency and manual testing for a deeper understanding of user experience.

#3 Defect Management

Software Quality specialists should excel in identifying, documenting, and tracking defects through defect management tools, ensuring swift resolution.  Managers can identify their proficiency in this aspect by looking at how they carry out:

  • Identification and Documentation: QEs and QAs are responsible for identifying defects or issues within the software during various types of tests. This involves meticulously documenting each defect they discover. This documentation typically includes details such as the steps to reproduce the defect, the expected and actual results, and the severity of the issue.
  • Prioritization: After identifying defects, QEs and QAs play a crucial role in prioritizing them based on factors like severity and impact on end-users. They need to distinguish between critical issues that need immediate attention and minor defects that can be addressed at a later stage.
  • Tracking: Tracking defects throughout the software development lifecycle is a core responsibility. QEs and QAs use defect management tools to monitor the progress of each defect, including its status, who is assigned to resolve it, and the expected resolution date.
  • Resolution Verification: Once developers have addressed defects, QEs and QAs verify whether the issues have been effectively resolved. They retest the software to confirm that the defects no longer exist and that the changes made haven’t introduced new issues.
  • Communication: Effective communication is key. QEs and QAs need to report defects clearly and concisely, making it easy for developers to understand the problem and its impact. They also collaborate with developers to ensure smooth defect resolution.

By considering these factors during the interview process and referencing their past experiences and achievements, managers can assess the proficiency of QEs and QAs in Defect Management.

5 Soft Skills Quality Engineers and Assurance Professionals Must Develop

#1 Attention to Details

The devil is in the details, and QEs and QAs must possess acute attention to detail when conducting various types of tests and scrutinizing test results.

  • Managers can assess attention to detail by reviewing the accuracy and completeness of their test documentation and reports. Are the steps to reproduce defects detailed and precise? Do they provide thorough test case descriptions?
  • Look for consistent error identification. If they consistently spot even minor defects, it’s a sign of strong attention to detail.

#2 Critical Thinking

Problem-solving skills are invaluable for identifying complex issues and devising effective solutions.

  • Managers can evaluate critical thinking through interviews or problem-solving scenarios. Present them with complex testing challenges or defects and assess their ability to devise effective solutions.
  • Review their track record in addressing challenging issues in past projects. Successful resolution of complex problems indicates strong critical thinking skills.

#3 Analytical Skills

QEs and QAs analyze software requirements, identify potential pitfalls, and strategize their approach to testing.

  • Analytical skills can be gauged by discussing their process for analyzing software requirements and identifying potential pitfalls. Ask them to describe how they approach requirement analysis.
  • Inquire about their methods for strategizing test cases. Proficient QEs and QAs should demonstrate the ability to plan and prioritize tests based on project requirements.

#4 Clear Communication

Effective communication skills are vital to collaborate with development teams, report defects, and convey testing strategies clearly.

  • Communication skills can be assessed during interviews. Ask them to articulate complex technical concepts or describe testing strategies and defect reports clearly and concisely.
  • Reference their history of collaborating with development teams and other stakeholders. Positive feedback regarding effective communication is a good indicator.

#5 Team Collaboration

QEs and QAs work closely with developers, project managers, and other stakeholders, so the ability to collaborate effectively is essential.

  • Managers can ascertain team collaboration skills by inquiring about their past experiences working with cross-functional teams. Ask for specific examples of successful collaboration.
  • Contact previous colleagues or references to learn about their teamwork and collaboration during previous projects. Feedback from team members can provide valuable insights into their collaborative abilities.

Evaluating these skills during the interview process, along with referencing their past experiences and achievements, will help managers determine if QEs and QAs excel in these crucial areas.

The combination of these hard and soft skills is critical in ensuring the quality of software. Proficiency in various types of tests, scripting, and defect management facilitates the identification and resolution of issues in a systematic manner. Meanwhile, attention to detail, critical thinking, and clear communication contribute to a holistic understanding of software requirements and a meticulous approach to quality assurance.

How to Hire QE / QA Experts

Hiring Quality Engineers and Quality Assurance professionals is a pivotal task that can significantly impact your software’s reliability and end-user satisfaction. To recruit the right talent, consider the following steps:

  1. Define Your Testing Needs: Begin by defining your project’s testing requirements. Different types of tests are suitable for various phases of software development, such as unit testing during development and user acceptance testing before deployment.
  2. Assess Automation Skills: Automation is a game-changer in quality engineering and assurance. Evaluate the candidates’ ability to create and execute automated test scripts using relevant tools.
  3. Discuss Experience with Defect Management: Probe their experience in defect management, including their use of defect tracking tools, and their approach to defect documentation and resolution.
  4. Zone in on Test Management Expertise: For QA professionals, evaluate their expertise in test management. Assess their ability to create comprehensive test plans, test cases, and test strategies.

Examples and guidelines for evaluating candidates’ abilities to perform various types of tests are crucial. For example, if you require a QE experienced in regression testing, present candidates with a scenario and ask how they would approach it. This hands-on approach ensures that the candidates not only understand the theory of various types of tests but can apply their knowledge effectively.

Motivate Quality Specialists for Optimal Performance

Empowering Quality Engineers and Assurance professionals goes hand in hand with optimizing the effectiveness of the testing process and ensuring that different types of tests are conducted meticulously. Motivation and engagement play a significant role in retaining top talent in quality engineering and assurance. Here are some strategies to keep your QEs and QAs motivated:

  • Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge their efforts and reward exceptional performance to motivate them to consistently conduct various types of tests with enthusiasm.
  • Autonomy and Creative Freedom: Provide autonomy in their work and allow them creative freedom when designing and executing different types of tests.
  • Work-Life Balance: Support work-life balance with flexible schedules, remote work options, and wellness initiatives to maintain their well-being.
  • Career Growth Opportunities: Create a clear career path with opportunities for leadership roles, specialized roles, or mentoring other testers.
  • Open Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication to encourage them to share their ideas and feedback regarding various types of tests.
  • Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative team environment by promoting cross-functional collaboration and offering opportunities to work with different teams.

The role of Quality Engineers and Quality Assurance professionals cannot be overstated – so keep them happy and engaged! Their expertise in conducting various types of tests and maintaining the quality of software is fundamental to a project’s success. 

By understanding the pivotal roles of QEs and QAs and following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can ensure your software is robust, reliable, and user-friendly. Reach out to Ubiminds to discover how we can assist you in finding and empowering the finest Quality Engineers and Quality Assurance professionals.


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