The video interview with the hiring manager is an innate part of the remote job interview process and, regardless of how good your tech skills are, there are some basic logistics that make all the difference. Here are some quick tips and tricks as to how to ace a job interview.

Ever caught yourself wondering how to nail a job interview? No need to. If you’re looking for a remote work opportunity in a distributed team in American companies via Ubiminds, this is the post for you. Here is a step-by-step guide for software engineers, developers, coders, or any other tech experts that are looking to impress and own that amazing remote position.

Before you start, study hard.

This is the most basic – yet often dismissed – of the job interview tips. It’s obvious you won’t be able to learn a new framework overnight, but there is other relevant knowledge you should try to wrap your head around before meeting with the hiring manager of your future company.

Visit the organization’s website, learn company values and look up the interviewers’ profiles on social media, especially LinkedIn. This attitude will always guide you on what to say in a job interview and help you find common ground sooner than later.

Step 1. First things first: check your infrastructure.

Most people think of the job interview outfit, or look up common job interview questions. Truth is, none of that matters if the interviewer is unable to see or hear the interviewee. Way ahead of the scheduled time, ensure you have everything properly set up: speedy internet connection, hi-def camera and plenty of lighting, as well as a reliable microphone.

Pro tip: Call in from your computer instead of your phone. And use your internet cable instead of wi-fi.

This is particularly important because when you’re working remotely, you need clear-cut, easy communication with other team members and that includes daily rituals such as stand-up meetings with your coworkers. 

Step 2. Prepare the scene.

Job seekers often focus on themselves but forget external factors also count. If you’re answering from home, make sure the people around you are aware of your interview and avoid noises that can distract either you or the recruiting manager. Keep dog barks and cooking and other noisy activities as far as possible. If you’re calling from an office or elsewhere, try to book a secluded room.

Pro tip: Keep the light source (windows and lamps) in front of you. This allows the hiring manager to properly see your face and better engage with you. 

It also helps to clean up a little, with no piles of laundry at the far corner, proper lighting, and showing a truly presentable workspace.

Step 3. Brush up on your English skills.

Maybe there is a podcast you enjoy, or there is a reliable friend that can quiz you on the most common interview questions before the interview to get those ESL juices flowing. Either way, try to warm up with a practice round before the actual interview. 

Pro tip: Rehearsals will help you to get ideas in order and improve your phrasing. With nervousness out of the way, your talent will shine through.

If any last-minute questions regarding the recruitment stages and recruiting managers/interviewers arise, feel free to reach out to the Ubiminder that sourced you to get those out of the way. They can provide plenty of advice on how to prepare for a job interview with an American employer – they’ve set up lots of them!

Step 4. Shape up.

The infrastructure is good, the room looks nice and you’ve got all the answers. Now it’s time to make sure you look your best. Although there is no formal dress code, you really should pay some attention regarding what to wear to a job interview. 

Especially in video interviews, it is important to understand that the camera behaves differently depending on what you’re wearing. For best results:

  • No peejays or beachwear. It is disrespectful, regardless if you live by the beach and it is summer in a tropical country.
  • Prioritize a color palette that contrasts with your background… blending in is ok, but you don’t want to disappear.
  • Wear solid colors instead of patterned shirts and blouses – stripes, in particular, don’t do well on 2D.

That’s it. No mysteries there, and it makes a great first impression.

Step 5. Interview time: be attentive to the questions you’re asked.

Hiring managers are usually very much to the point. Instead of digressing, answer the questions as direct and objectively as possible. You can mention relevant projects and ask whether the interviewer would like further explanations.  There is no need to give a lot of details unless they are asked for.

Pro tip: Stick to the hard and soft skills required by the position and mentioned in the job description.

And yes, there are right and wrong questions to ask in a job interview. 

  • To the American employer: feel free to ask the hiring manager about duties and responsibilities, how the team is set up, the product, and that kind of thing.
  • To Ubiminds: administrative issues such as compensation and benefits are our field of expertise. Leave those to us. 😉

Throughout the interview, be upfront and truthful – there is no need to worry and look for signs you did or didn’t get the job yet. Our recruiters will reach out to you after the interview to provide feedback and set up the next steps, like a final take-home test or negotiations. 

Step 6. Consider writing a job interview thank you letter.

A short message with inputs on the process, the position, and your impressions are always welcome. You will also have an opportunity to help us improve the candidate experience by answering a quick survey at the end.

Need more tips? Check the video below.


Are there any other questions we can help you with? Check out the “For Software Experts” of our website for more info, or contact us through the form below and we’ll reach out asap.


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