Ubiminds stands as a beacon of innovation in the tech recruitment landscape, redefining how product teams operate and thrive. Our partners’ consistent praise speaks volumes about the transformative power of our approach. In a realm where traditional contractors fall short, Ubiminds emerges as a game-changer.

After experiencing Ubiminds’ tech recruitment model, product managers always have something positive to say – just check out our reviews!

Product team leaders deliver more value.

If there’s one thing our leaders and partners tell us, it’s that we outperform the old-school contractors they’re used to working with. But don’t take our word for it. Alberto Silveira, a VP of Engineering at one of our client companies who’s been working with us for more than 5 years, says:

“The bar is extremely high. I hire engineers to be working with citing-edgclutce technology processes and Ubiminds’ process allows me to actually find those people. It’s very different from the traditional models that I’ve worked with in the past. The experience so far has been outstanding in the sense of the partnership from the beginning to the whole journey of finding high-skilled professionals and keeping up with us as part of our team.”

According to him, Ubiminds’ tech recruitment model “offers something totally different. It’s connected from beginning to end and with us along the journey.” When asked about how Ubiminds is different that of traditional firms, he says “It’s about the end result, delivering value to customers, believing the mission, and not just having individuals coding.

The team feels and acts as one.” Ubiminds’ tech recruitment model looks for world-class product teams, and does not settle for less. We help you reach new talent pools –– even ones you haven’t even thought of! –– and are always by your side to learn and grow together.

“The skill level… these days finding high talented engineers is a challenge worldwide. That’s a fact, right? So Ubiminds being able to actually find those talents, that’s been key, and the bar is pretty high. Ubiminds meets and, most likely, exceeds expectations of the talent level that we are looking for.”

Tech professionals love working with us

At the heart of Ubiminds, we have some key core values, including being People First, Keeping It Real, and Challenging Yourself. And we don’t say that because it’s cute, we actually mean it: we’re here to provide an amazing service to our clients and also help our engineers become better professionals over time.

They work in roles that make sense for them, taking into consideration their skills and where they want to go, professionally speaking. Maianne Ribeiro, one of our Ubiminders who’s been working with us for over 2 years, enjoys how open everyone is.

“I would say one of the main things about Ubiminds is that you’re free in the sense of you have your job but if there’s something you’re not comfortable with you can talk to people and figure a way to make things work. If for some reason you need flexibility in your time you can do that as long as you keep doing your job, so you have that freedom to organize yourself in a way that makes things work better for you. If there’s something that we need it’s very easy to talk with people to get either more tools for your job or any kind of things that you need, so that’s quite helpful.”

At our core, we empower engineers to excel in roles aligned with their aspirations, fostering an open, flexible, and supportive environment.

Staffing agencies partner up with us to better serve their own clients.

We want to help product teams cut back costs, not quality. We have senior engineers and architects within the same time zone. Our collaboration becomes a catalyst for new revenue streams, leveraging Latin American talent as a potent differentiator.

Whether you’re a client or partner, we’re always doing our best to support you and help you achieve greatness. Together we’re stronger. As a partner, though, you’ll most likely find new sources of revenue by nearshoring to Latin America as a side product. We’re partnering with companies to come up with arrangements that provide a win-win scenario for both of us, either referral-based or as a side product.

  • You get a new source of revenue because we take on the costs for the position, but split the fee.
  • We don’t need to set up a local sales team, because we have a reliable partner that already has trust from a strong portfolio and can make sure we only get customers that fit.
  • The client gets team members who are more skilled than a fair share of US-based engineers and definitely outperform the contractors they might be working with. And the time zone difference doesn’t suck. 
  • Engineers on both ends get to work in roles that make sense to them.

At Ubiminds, every partnership is a journey towards greatness. Join us in this transformative experience, where innovation meets exceptional talent.


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