It has been a long time ago when pool tables and fridges full of free food were the benchmarks of a great place to work.

A study by ADPRI, the Data Powered Business Research Institute (ADPRI) showed that only 16% of employees are fully engaged in their work, while 84% simply go with the flow in the United States.

In Brazil, changing jobs has been a more common decision than imagined. Data from the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE) show that in 2016, the voluntary departure of employees from organizations in Brazil reached an average rate of 24%.

Among the main reasons for talents to ask for the accounts, according to a study by Page Personnel are:

  1. Talents received a better job offer – 22%
  2. There was a lack of planning or poorly structured management at the company where she worked – 21%
  3. Professionals felt stagnant in his role – 18%
  4. People felt that were not recognized in the company – 15%
  5. People felt unmotivated in the position were in – 14%
  6. Lack of feedback from leadership or manager – 14%
  7. Professionals felt dissatisfied with the remuneration he received – 9%
  8. People became an entrepreneur – 5%
  9. Professionals were charged for qualifications not offered in training – 4%
  10. Considered insufficient benefits – 3%
  11. There was no time for family – 2%

While obvious, this data is revealing. In the end, it takes a lot more than money and benefits for us tech professionals to have a good reason to get out of bed on Monday morning.

But after all, what are the main factors that make a company a great place to work? Learn more in this post!


That whole list of things that motivate you to quit a job says a lot about what kind of culture you want or abhor in a company.

Although each company has particularities, in general, a great workplace has its culture based on trust between employees and leaders, pride in being part of a purpose, and motivating challenges.

Among the factors that contribute to building a solid and healthy mindset and culture, we can list:

Transparent, continuous, and non-violent communication:

We are talking about a company whose leaders and team members know how to converse and communicate clearly, that is, without ambiguity or “between the lines”.

Furthermore, this communication is consistent – it happens frequently and intelligently – and it has quality, meaning there is no time wasted discussing pointless points in endless meetings that could be a card in Trello or JIRA.

High-performance teams, whose company is a great place to work, also possess a certain level of emotional intelligence and use non-violent communication as a standard way to express their ideas, motivations, and feedback.

Encouraging diversity and inclusion:

tolerance and creativity will only be widely exercised in work environments that encourage the hiring and active participation of people with different professional and personal backgrounds.

This composition of minds with different opinions is more than healthy, it is scientifically more productive and innovative, especially in technology companies. When you work in distributed teams, for example, you are more likely to experience diversity and inclusion.

Collaborative environment:

A collaborative culture is one whose team is mature in terms of acceptance, alignment of expectations, and encouragement of creativity.

The key is always to balance things: for example, instead of excessive charges, always prefer to negotiate realistic deadlines that are consistent with the nature of the project. Or bring a solution to an old problem, for a change and motivate others to do the same. Positive actions generate others and so on.

Career prospects and challenges:

If everything is ok, but you have no prospects for your future in terms of a career challenge, you will likely feel frustrated or lost. It is necessary to grow, not just in terms of position and salary – in knowledge and experience.

That’s why a company that wants to be an excellent place to work needs to strive for a balance between challenges and skills. If the challenge is less than the skill acquired, the person will soon become bored, unmotivated. Theoretically, we have to increase the challenge as the skills are increased and stimulated.

Space for personal development:

Do you remember the myth about the pool table? Great places to work are ones that don’t keep you busy all the time. It even seems contradictory, but having the flexibility to develop your personal activities influences your professional motivation as well.

No wonder that many companies around the world have started to reduce the weekly workload so that their employees can have more free time to dedicate to their families and discover what they love to do out there.

What are the top drivers for software product, engineering, and design professionals?

Studies show that, in general, the good relationship between teams, trust, and growth are motivators for those who work in the area of ​​Products, Engineering and Software Design. See a list:

  • The high degree of involvement of software engineers with their colleagues (They balance teams by the skills of employees and there is a good relationship between colleagues)
  • Technical confidence is valued by software engineers, so this perception of confidence in their skills positively influences their motivation (There is the possibility of learning new things, less bureaucracy to carry out training,
  •  Valuing the social impact of work, in order to positively influence your motivation (Working with novelties pleases, Possibility of changing tasks easily, Organization open to innovations, Projects and new challenges)
  • Well-defined projects are also well regarded, the better the definition of projects, the greater the impact on personal motivation (Mature processes that generate security, well-defined processes without excessive concern with deadlines or excessive changes in priorities)
  • The relationship between software engineers, their supervisors, and co-workers contributes to their satisfaction.
  • Valuing workload balance, so that your perception of overload negatively influences your concentration (Good infrastructure, without too much pressure)
  • The level of motivation of an individual positively influences their performance in collaborative work, proportionally to the level of communication and participation (Sense of contribution).
  • The organization’s context, such as benefits, promotions, recognition, payment, etc. contributes to the satisfaction of the software engineer (Good working environment, flexible hours, feeling of importance, and appreciation.)

How Ubiminds Forms Amazing Professional Pairs and Teams for Long-Term Relationships

By focusing on delivering value, Ubiminds takes the individual approach and raises the bar at every step of the talent acquisition funnel.
Placed as full-time team members, Ubiminders become familiar with different management styles, methodologies, technologies and diverse environments. Check out the values ​​and methodologies that Ubiminds use and that make a difference for both talents and companies:

Focus on People: Ubiminds understands and takes human interaction and well-being very seriously – and wants everyone around them to feel it too.

Challenge incentive: There is always room for improvement and continuous improvement is at the core of Ubiminds. That’s why Ubi encourages leaving the comfort zone, embracing failure and, above all, not being afraid.

Make it happen: Always being ready to face the challenges that arise is one of Ubiminds’ principles. The feeling of responsibility and courage are the company’s engines.

Team together: Ubiminds believes that both success and failure need to be shared at all times. We work as a team, thrive as a team, and evolve as a team.

Honesty, transparency and openness, whatever the situation. These are Ubi’s guidelines and this is how the company expects everyone to be treated.

‘Incredible’ as an average: Ubiminds works hard to provide high quality services and exceed expectations. Like what you do to do it well. Every time, always.

See what Ubiminders have to tell about us:

“I have the privilege of working with a team where people come first. I feel welcomed and can share my professional and academic experiences and also learn a lot from my colleagues. Even 100% remotely, the team is present: working with a team and leaders who support me and value my work, motivates me to be a better professional every day. I am grateful to work in a psychologically safe environment where ideas are shared and everyone respected.”  Thaís Lopes, Tech Recruiter

“Working at Ubiminds has been fundamental for my career growth and professional development. Being part of a global team is an incredible challenge! It takes me out of my comfort zone on a daily basis and motivates me to always do my best.” Erika Medeiros, Data Scientist.

How would you like to join us? To learn more about what we do and how we’re all about careers (not just jobs!), drop a line below.


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