Discover firsthand accounts from tech leaders about their experiences partnering with Ubiminds for tech recruitment. Delve into insights, successes, and unique advantages these professionals have encountered when expandin their software engineering teams in Latin America. Gain exclusive insights into talent acquisition in Latin America through Ubiminds, uncovering unique strategies for acquiring top-tier tech talent.

Are you considering Ubiminds as BPO for tech recruiting? Find out key results obtained by software engineering teams that used this HR service provider to fill their ranks. Tech leaders like Alberto Silveira endorse Ubiminds with enthusiastic testimonials, highlighting its impact on talent quality and exceeding expectations.

Job sites, job agencies, and internal recruiting teams. When it comes to tech recruiting, there are multiple strategies one can devise and mix to find good tech talent, fast. Yet, more and more American companies rely on Ubiminds to expand their operations in Latam, more specifically in Brazil. 

1st Hiring via Ubiminds is 40 to 50% less expensive than finding talent in the US

Achieve unparalleled BPO tech recruiting success by partnering with Ubiminds, offering 40 to 50% cost savings compared to traditional talent acquisition in the US. Yes, there are pro-labore rates to be considered. Yet, outsourcing tech recruitment processes to Ubiminds impacts the way your company spends on staff management. Here’s why:

Traditional firms


  • Compensation and benefits are up to the client and vary vastly.
  • Recruiters’ attention is scattered between different customers and segments.
  • Lower levels of accountability and compliance towards employee relations.
  • Less reliable infrastructure, impacting work conditions.
  • Payroll expenses and benefits are all Ubiminds’ responsibility.
  • Dedicated tech recruiters, specializing in fulfilling rather specific needs.
  • Personnel operations, with all legal and accounting paperwork and bureaucracy.
  • Travel administration, from visas to tickets and accommodation
  • Management tier, no need for extra managers to coordinate teams.
  • Office space, with workspaces made available and help with relocation.
  • Equipment, providing high-quality work conditions.

Holding operations in Latin America increases Return on Investment (ROI) by reducing payroll and added costs, without having to relinquish quality (you can learn how to make the most of distributed teams here). This is indeed reinforced by the true cost breakdown above. 

Alberto Silveira is Vice-President of Engineering for one of Ubiminds’ client companies in New York. For him, there are also added benefits in hiring engineers and other software development professionals from Brazil. Most of them revolve around code quality, as Ubiminders come from a test-driven development background.

“The bar is extremely high, I hire engineers to work with cutting-edge technology. We don’t lower the bar to hire anyone, Ubiminds meets expectations or, most likely, exceeds expectations on the talent level that we are looking for.”

It also helps that he can rely on these professionals on a long-term basis, as all team members are assigned to products, not just projects. “They like the technical challenge, no question. They are passionate about scalability and building resilient systems, that’s awesome!”. 

For him, the difference in commitment can be easily perceived. “Great engineers are connected to the mission! They need to feel connected with the value they are delivering. It’s not easy to build a remote culture, but Ubiminds has all the ingredients to make that happen.”

2nd Attrition like few: On average, Ubiminders stay in the company for 2.2 years 

The IT industry has one of the largest attrition rates in the world. A lot of this has to do with setting clear expectations from the get-go, on either side. What are you waiting for to break free from high employee turnover rates? With Ubiminds, you experience nearshore recruitment benefits, such as boasting an exceptional 2.2-year average employee tenure, a rarity in today’s fast-moving tech industry.

Traditional firms


  • Standardized vetting process, focused on speed instead of quality.
  • Not-so-flexible negotiations, sticking to a single hiring model – money-based only.
  • Clean-cut candidate handover, with no additional support to client companies and candidates.
  • One hour difference most of the year: begin to fix the very same day.
  • ‘Embedded’ team members are always on the same page. Moreover, no language barrier due to ESL level and cultural proximity.
  • Seniority makes a difference in terms of knowledge repertoire and accountability.
  • Mission-driven profiles, hiring people that care and focus on value-added to customers.

This is extremely beneficial, given the time necessary to ramp up new hires; also, quite a big challenge considering the dispute over talented professionals.

“When we invest those three months, six months, on an employee, we want them to stay.”, says Nathan Feger, a Houston-based Director of Software Engineering. For him, team building and support from Ubiminds are key to talent retention. Something that we feel is unique, and we’ve heard is unique, is that you feel as much as a part of the team as we can make you feel like part of our team. ” 

Nathan also mentions how he personally benefits from the partnership, hiring Brazilian tech pros via BPO. 

“The Ubiminds approach of learning how our values work, what our business goals are, how our teams work, who the people are in the team, that’s super valuable. And that’s before recruiting, through weekly meetings with the team over time.”

3rd Ubiminds’ customers improve MTTR by 40%, on average

Accelerate issue resolution and enhance productivity with Ubiminds. Witness how the transformative impact of Ubiminders reflected in an average 40% improvement in Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) for partner companies. After all, Ubiminders contribute actively to improving results, and we’re not limiting it to incident metrics like mean time to recovery, repair, respond, or resolve. There is a fair share of tangible results that go beyond product performance, too.

Nathan explains how this contributes to service delivery and also the quality of life. “Having people you can make face-to-face calls with, without having to disrupt individual family lives, to stay up super late, or stay at work super late… you can synchronously communicate, is just a way to make that a lot easier.”. 

For him, having a nearshore team in a similar time zone is much better than counting on staff across the Atlantic. The good number of overlapping working hours makes all the difference. “If we have an issue in the morning, we can meet in the mid-morning, lunchtime, something like that, then resolve that by the end of the day.” 

Nonetheless, companies that use the Ubiminds model have faster recovery time due to team engagement and accountability.


Traditional firms


  • Five to twelve-hour differences: need managers to ensure communication, and also wait on working hours.
  • Information might be lost not only due to language and cultural differences but also Fordist model.
  • More arms, less brainpower: focus on speed and quantity, not quality.
  • Talent auction: price tags over value.
  • A strong vetting process is not only based on tech skills but also on cultural fit.
  • Clear negotiations, with aligned expectations from the get-go.
  • Own onboarding process and first-week follow-up with Ubiminders and teams.
  • Continuous follow-up and assistance.
  • Quarterly assessments to evaluate how things are going.
  • Gatherings once or twice a year, for both work and fun together.

These advantages also flow into other aspects of people management, as can be seen in our next topic. 

Bonus Beyond numbers: easier Human Capital Management

Simplify your Human Capital Management with Ubiminds; it’s not just about numbers, it’s about streamlined processes and smoother operations. There are additional advantages to hiring Latin tech staff via Ubiminds. A lot of them are qualitative, and derived from a shared culture of accountability and respect.

  • People First:  Diversity of ideas is key to us – thrive on equal terms and opportunities.
  • Teamwork: Deliveries are met with full collaboration to boost efficiency and quality.
  • Critical: Our teams are opinionated but data-driven. No more guesswork, just performance!
  • Envisioned: Ubiminders are problem-solvers, not code monkeys. 
  • High touch: Our dedicated recruiters are market heavy-weights, in it for the long run.

We want to become the key talent acquisition partner for strategic tech hires for distributed teams within the Americas. In order to do this, Ubiminds brings together mission-driven companies and people in a unified environment of trust, transparency, and accountability. Sounds interesting, and it is!

Try it yourself! Sign up for a Freemium Deal

Did you know you can try out Ubiminds for free? Talk to our rep. If we believe there is a good fit, you can open one or two positions with us free of charge. 

We will source, interview, test, and vet candidates and only present you with a few high performers. Service fees only apply after the job candidate is hired. How amazing is that?

Want to know more about our work and how we can help you build a streamlined process for your team? Experience Ubiminds firsthand without any initial cost; sign up for a Freemium Deal and witness efficient tech recruitment firsthand.


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